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The Rockcrusher Recording is your analog solution for attenuation and direct
Two Speaker jacks allow easy connection with up to two speaker enclosures.
Rivera RockCrusher, Attenuator and Load Box for Tube Amps, Load Box and
attenuation for amplifying power up to 120 W RMS, Natural sound at every
Rivera RockCrusher, Attenuator and Load Box for Tube Amps, Load Box and
attenuation for amplifying power up to 120 W RMS, Natural sound at every
Rivera RockCrusher Recording Power Attenuator / Load Box
The Rivera RockCrusher Recording takes all the power-attenuating magic of the
two speaker outs and the 1/4" input jack in which to plug your amp''s output.
to the unbalanced output jack of the RockCrusher. Personally, I record the direct
sound of the guitar head into my DAW and use an IR loader plugin to add the
Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator & Load Box 8 -
Two Speaker jacks allow easy connection with up to two speaker enclosures.
Bullet-proof construction, a standard feature of Rivera equipment, is also
to the unbalanced output jack of the RockCrusher. Personally, I record the direct
sound of the guitar head into my DAW and use an IR loader plugin to add the
Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator Purple 8/16 Ohm | Musician''s
There''s also a level knob for the line out.Rear Panel: Input from amp, 2 speaker
jacks and two line out jacks: balanced (XLR) and unbalanced (1/4" jack)Build
The Rockcrusher Recording is your analog solution for attenuation and direct
Two Speaker jacks allow easy connection with up to two speaker enclosures.
Review: Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator | The Gear Page
16 Mar 2011 Rear Panel: Input from amp, 2 speaker jacks and two line out jacks: balanced (
XLR) and unbalanced (1/4" jack) Build Quality: It appears to be